Saturday, June 4, 2011

Babies and disappointment...

This getting pregnant thing is kinda hard. To be honest and candid, Hubby and I have been trying for nearly two years to have a little one. As yet it hasn't happened. 

We thought I might be after our trip to America, however unfortunately that wasn't the case. I took a test while Hubby was in London, and needless to say I was upset. My Father is here in a week and it would have been nice to tell a family member in person that we are expecting.
My Godson Kaleb & I, day after he was born
I just sometimes wonder if it's me or we are just one of those couples that wasn't meant to have children. However I see how Hubby is with our niece and nephews and our godson and he will be an amazing father. Being in the middle east, family is a massive part of their culture over here. Pretty much as soon as they can try to get pregnant they start trying, even if they have just given birth. 

You see all those hill-billy bumpkins and teenagers (who shouldn't even be having sex) on tv and they have several children they cant afford to raise or even look after properly, or they have sex once and fall pregnant. And then there are people who would be the best parents in the world who try for years and can provide properly, however it doesn't happen for them.

I have been following the trials and tribulations of a fantastic couple, giuliana and bill Rancic. They have shown me to keep going and to have faith in the fact that this will happen! 

I go shopping and see all the pretty baby clothes, however I don't have anyone to buy it for, and I want someone to buy it for! And it also makes me miss my little godson, who recently moved back to Australia. I felt like a extra mum to him when I was with him and his Mummy. It showed me that I could do this and I will be a fantastic mum!

Hubby and I have a fantastic relationship and even if children don't come into the picture, we are solid within ourselves for it to be just the two of us, and adoption/IVF are always an option. We have a fantastic and fortunate life and we just want to share it with a little +1.
Blog you later 
Stace x

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